About Us

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 11:6

After several years on this earth, with my myriad experiences, I choose to believe (have faith) that there is a “Higher Power”, that loves and cares for me and every created being. In a world that prizes freedom of choice, I choose to believe in the “Word of God” and what it tells me about the “the Living God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob“.

To believe, I must be willing to have faith in a God and that is the foundation of the content of this website. Interestingly, while I have authored a book titled “Faith Redefined“, this website is not solely focused on the book, but on the larger picture of faith and love for God.

Through various articles, videos and bible studies, I seek to simply share as much as I can about the God I have fallen in love with, simply because He first loved me. I hope you are willing to join me in that journey as we learn, laugh and possibly even cry together as we discover the magnitude of God’s Awesomeness, Grandeur and most of all Holiness.