The Beauty of God Christopher Francique  

A New Day!

Today is a new day, a new morning. Fresh dew drops lie on leaves, as the sun slowly creeps across the early morning sky, bleeding its colours unto the whisps of clouds present in the atmosphere. Wherever we are in the world, as the sun rises, it replenishes and refreshes all of life: the plants, the animals, even us human beings.

It is important to drink in the beauty of nature if not daily, weekly. It is a testament of God’s love and creative power, even though sin has marred its full glory. Nonetheless, there is significant beauty in nature to reflect upon and be reminded of the awesome power, creativity and beauty of God. A frequent consumption of such a reminder, is a healthy tonic to invigorate our minds and hearts, to trust the mercy, grace and benevolence of God, despite the challenges or hardships we each may face in our lives.

Our circumstances are certainly diverse. What we each encounter in our own space of life is different. Yet, it is important that despite what we each face, we never allow ourselves to be distracted from the truth: God loves us! Yes, in a world marred by sin, marred by the choices that we as a species make, God is still presenting Himself as available. Available to forgive us, available to redeem us, available to strengthen us each day, all because He loves us!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service
- Romans 12: 1

We have that daily choice, to reach out and accept God’s presence into our lives. God urges us to present ourselves before him daily (as a living sacrifice). We have that choice to believe in His presence, to believe in His power, to believe in His supreme will. Yes, we have that power to have faith in God. Personally, as I reflect upon the day that lies before me, I forget all that I think I need (finances, good family life, job) and focus on what I know I need: God’s presence in my life!

In seeking God first, He can provide the guidance and direction to achieve all that is permissible in accordance with His will, regarding our lives:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you
- Matthew 6:33

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