Living in Your Purpose Trusting in God Christopher Francique  

Easier Said Than Done



How often have you heard or even said the words “it’s easier said, than done!”. These are words I say ever so often, when it comes to living the overcomers life. Yet paradoxically, while living the overcomers life may seem easier said than done, it does get easier over time. Yes, the more we open ourselves to Jesus, the more we want to keep on doing it. However, it’s the first step that might prove a bit difficult. How can we, after having invited God into our lives, after committing to renewing our lives each day, actually achieve this feat? Paul provides the answer in Phillipians 4:8 where his advice is

whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

The key to renewing our mind, the key to creating an environment where the Holy Spirit can dwell, is to shift our focus from the things we used to do, to the things that we ought to be doing. However, if we ought to be doing, why does Paul encourage us to spend time reflecting, as opposed to actually doing. The answer is simple. Behind every action, is a decision, behind every decision is our thoughts. Our thoughts govern our actions. Hence, if we do as the apostle Paul states and think on the things that are honest, just, pure, lovely and of a good report, and we “keep practicing these things…Then the God of peace will be with you” Phillipians 4:9 (ISV) .

Thinking on things that have virtue and praise (in God) creates an environment for the Holy Spirit of God to dwell. It means that we not only have to allow the mind to dwell on virtuous things but also guard the mind from things that lack virtue. We must protect our senses – our eyes, ears, mouth, smell, touch – which are the avenues to our mind. For example, when it comes to:

  • Our eyes, we need to use it to read scripture, devotional books, educational material, and even casual/secular books which do not impair our spiritual judgement. Spending time in nature and looking at the vast beauty that God has permitted is a blessing. Alternatively, we need to protect our eyes from falling upon pornographic material or roving and looking at the opposite sex with the intent to lust.
  • The ears should not be permitted to tune into idle conversation and gossip. Even allowing oneself to listen to angry and hate speech is not Christ-like. Place yourself within an environment where you can hear Godly words (such as a sermon), music, or natural sounds flowing from nature, or even the beauty of silence.
  • When it comes to protecting the mind from the avenue of touch that is un-Christlike, it is important to find oneself in right company at all times. Keep yourself from relationships that lead to fornication if you are single or infidelity if you are married. Rather, invest your time in meaningful interactions that can lead to plutonic relationships where relevant or marriage if such is the intent, where thus the marriage bed is undefiled.

 Overall, when we guard the avenues to our mind from spiritual pollutants but leave it open to virtuous and righteous things, we are creating an environment within our lives where the Spirit of God will dwell, where God’s spirit will remain. If your mind is such that the Spirit of God can dwell

he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

John 16:13

So, do not be daunted, day by day give God access to your heart, shun the unclean things you use to do and embrace the things of Christ.

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