Living in Your Purpose Trusting in God Christopher Francique  

Understanding Your Purpose



Throughout our lives, I believe there are certain questions we continually ask ourselves with the goal of achieving clarity. One such question is “what is my purpose”. Personally, when I hear the word purpose, I think immediately about function. Thus, let’s reflect a bit about a product that we’ve purchased in the past, specifically an electronic product. Most, if not all of these products have a manual. In concise terms, this manual will provide us with critical information about the features of the product, the function or purpose of the product and lastly how to utilize the product correctly.

Interestingly, despite product manuals exist, not everyone reads the manual. I myself have intermittently been guilty of this fact. I usually think that I am able to get by without it. Sometimes, I am right, and other times I am wrong, and my actions lead to a less than ideal experience in using the product. Therefore, if I want a 100% success rate at using the product properly, then reading and understanding the manual is necessary. Why? Because the manual was developed by the manufacturer, the designer, the creator of the product. They understand the reason for the product. Stated differently, they created the product with specific features for a purpose. Thus, in reading the manual one gets the idea of the manufacturer’s intent for how the product is to be used and how to properly maintain the product to get the longest period of usage.

Being a human being is no different. We were created by a Divine Designer, our Creator. In understanding our purpose, we need to spend time reading the manual that God left us. That manual is the Holy Bible. Interestingly, many persons say that the Bible does not tell us everything we want to know about God and that is correct. The manual focuses on the product, not the manufacturer. Think about any product that you own. When you read the manual the most information you get about the manufacturer is their address, registered brand name, support centre contact information and other minute bits of information that rarely goes deep into the background of the manufacturer. Alternatively, sufficient information is given about the manufacturer and the brand, because people associate quality based upon the historical work of the given manufacturer. Ultimately, the focus of a product manual is about the product. It provides sufficient information that is needed to use the product optimally and safely. It removes any ambiguity as to the features and usefulness of the product. Thus, product users will have a very clear understanding of the features (characteristics) and purpose (reason for its existence). Consequently, if you want to understand your purpose as a human being, I wholeheartedly encourage you to spend time in God’s word, for it will provide the clarity needed as to understanding your purpose, for King David said confidently of God’s word, “thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” So, I end with this scripture, which points us in the right direction of understanding our purpose:

“Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him”.

Isaiah 43:7

Therefore, we were created for God’s glory, but what does that mean? Well in the next devotion we will be diving into this a bit more but know this much: You are valuable, you have a purpose and therefore live your life with this understanding

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